High Reliefs from 3D Scenes

Sami Arpa1,2    Sabine Süsstrunk2    Roger D. Hersch1 

1Peripheral Systems Laboratory
2Image and Visual Representation Lab
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


We present a method for synthesizing high reliefs, a sculpting technique that attaches 3D objects onto a 2D surface within a limited depth range. The main challenges are the preservation of distinct scene parts by preserving depth discontinuities, the fine details of the shape, and the overall continuity of the scene. Bas relief depth compression methods such as gradient compression and depth range compression are not applicable for high relief production. Instead, our method is based on differential coordinates to bring scene elements to the relief plane while preserving depth discontinuities and surface details of the scene. We select a user-defined number of attenuation points within the scene, attenuate these points towards the relief plane and recompute the positions of all scene elements by preserving the differential coordinates. Finally, if the desired depth range is not achieved we apply a local compression. High relief synthesis is controlled by user-defined parameters to adjust the depth range, as well as the placement of the scene elements with respect to the relief plane.



Sami Arpa, Sabine Süsstrunk, Roger D. Hersch
High Reliefs from 3D Scenes
Computer Graphics Forum 34(2) (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2015), 2015.

   author  = {Sami Arpa and 
              Sabine Süsstrunk and
              Roger D. Hersch},
   title   = {{High Reliefs from 3D Scenes}},
   journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2015)},
   volume  = 34,
   number  = 2,
   year    = {2015}


The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions. The 3D models are taken from the following resources: Dragon, Asian Dragon, Happy Buddha, and Armadillo - The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository; Angel - http://www.cadnav.com; Status and Sculpture - http://www.archive3d.net.