Transparency and motion


Peggy Gerardin

Goal of this study

The visual system identifies surfaces and uses their properties to help recognize objects. One example of this phenomenon is color transparency: when a surface is seen both in plain view and through a transparent overlay, the visual system still identifies it as a single surface. Studies have revealed that systemic color changes are required by the visual system to infer correspondence between surfaces. Now other studies have added motion in their stimuli, claiming that this enhances the transparency effect. Defining optimal conditions where color transparency occurs would be useful to investigate its application to color image detection algorithms. The goal of this project is to expect whether motion is neutral with respect to the effects of systematic color changes and to investigate it to image segmentation, more precisely on moving filters and shadows. The actual methods to detect shadow are based on invariant color models. We assume that using a perceptual model will provide better results.

Diploma project

Detection of Moving Color Transparency, Philippe Roud (9th semester, 2003).


Philippe Roud
Sabine Süsstrunk
Ken Knoblauch (INSERM, France)


P. Gerardin, P. Roud, S. Süsstrunk & K. Knoblauch, Motion influences the Effects of Systemic Chromatic Changes. In Proc. CGIV 2004, IS&T's Second European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging and Vision, Aachen, Germany, April 5-8, 2004.


Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) under grant number 20-59038.99.