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Kernel Modeling Super-Resolution on Real Low-Resolution Images

Ruofan Zhou     Sabine Süsstrunk
Image and Visual Representation Lab
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

- Supplementary Material -

project page

We provide additional material on our experiments. First, we provide visual results of the proposed KMSR on X4 super-resolution. Second, we provide details about our psychovisual experiment. Third, we show X2 SR results on real low-resolution images of the different methods discussed in the paper. Fourth, we provide additional examples of the zoom-in X2 super-resolution experiment to show qualitative results. Fifth, we visualize the kernels generated by KMSR.

You can start from here:
1. X4 SR results
2. Psychovisual experiment
3. SR examples on real images
4. Experiments on zoom in SR
5. Visualization of kernels